5: The Fake Bullet Holes
Who would want fake bullet holes on their car? "Oh, somebody shot my car!" The bullet holes are FAKE!
4: Car Badges
Hard to explain why.
3: Crappy Kiss Sticker (For Females)
"Oh some nerd just kissed my car and marked lips!" Who the heck would kiss a single car? It's stupid to put a kiss sticker on your back window! Who needs to do that?
2: The slowing down light saying: Princess (For Females)
Who needs to do that either? It just says: Princess. Does it make any major difference to a car? No!
1: Car Headlight Eyelashes (For Females)
Who the heck would need this?! It takes away light to lit up the road!
I'm a male and I'm 11. Whenever I get picked up from school, I have to ride in my babysitter's with Worst car accessories 3, 2, and 1 (above). I got made fun of one time by 3 female adults! I was at McDonald's! Good thing December 21, 2012 is coming up! Because that means I would not have to ride in that car for a while after I ride it that day and Christmas Vacation would be here! When December 22, 2012 is up, I will not ride in that car for a while because I will be on Christmas vacation and I will be out of town!
What car accessories do you hate? Write them in the comments.
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